Kyla La Grange just posted something awesome on Facebook

Kyla La Grange just posted this picture on Facebook.

Kyla La Grange (from Facebook)

Interesting, huh? Well, she also posted the following caption:

‘This photo is from the first live review I got in a national newspaper. When it came out I remember feeling horrified because I hated the photo, and it was printed up big in the paper and put online. But my friends made me laugh about it and I realised it really didn’t and doesn’t matter.

Recently a couple of my friends have been going through a very tough time with body image and negative feelings about how they look, and I wanted to post this because I think a lot of social media accounts, mine included, just present a filtered ‘perfect’ view of a version of a life that makes everything look pretty and everyone look beautiful. I know a lot of you who follow this page are in your teens and just finding your feet and working out who you are, and I remember so much how that feels, so I wanted to mention this, especially seeing as it’s London Fashion Week.

I saw a while back that Lorde posted a picture of herself with acne cream on and I thought that was awesome. How you look is such a tiny part of who you are; the stuff to prioritise is how you treat other people and how you feel inside.
As it turns out, I often make this face when I play guitar. I often get a few chins when i look down. So do a lot of people. Embrace the chins! I’ll probably get more of them at some point, as well as some wrinkles, and that’s absolutely nothing to worry about. I don’t think it’s wrong for people to post nice pictures of themselves on social media – we all like to look our best and musicians, for example, are usually trying to create a particular world around their music. But I wanted to post this coz I feel like sometimes it’s good to just step outside of all that and say ‘Hi, this is also me.’ Hope you all have a great week and sorry this is such a long post. xxx’
