Our Ryan Donnelly thinks that French classical soundscapers ARMONITE are brilliant, so we got him to scribble down a few words about their new album, just for your reading pleasure:
ARMONITE are nothing if not eclectic. The band – comprised of composer Paolo Fosso and violinist Jacopo Bigi – aren’t afraid to blur the lines between genres, and this is shown by their new album, The Sun Is New Each Day.
An early highlight is their new single, Suitcase War. There are no vocals, but the instruments are truly focused on doing the singing. The violins are impressive to say the least, the composition is tight and well produced, and on some level this song feels like it would fit well into an anime movie.
These guys are seriously talented
Elsewhere, Connect Four‘s adventurous soundscape is genuinely beautiful, while the cinematic Satellites is nothing if not stirring. One thing we can say about ARMONITE is that they can really play their instruments. This is never more evident than in Connect Four; I don’t think that it’s an overstatement to say that it feels like a history lesson in music with a newer adaption to the curriculum, and that’s a great thing.
It won’t be everybody’s cup of tea
I won’t say that this album is for everyone, because something this focused and unique is always going to draw a hard line in the sand. In fact, something you learn within moments of listening to ARMONITE is that they’re somewhat of an acquired taste. On one hand, they’re bringing beautiful music to the table, and on the other hand they are offering their audience a sound that requires patience and focus to enjoy it. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re willing to pay some serious attention to it, then you may well like it.