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Meet Matt Sellors. He used to be the frontman of Bristol-based ska-punkers Yes Sir Boss, and he’s about to kick off a solo career. He writes tender acoustic pop songs, and his voice is genuinely one of the best we’ve heard for a long time. Observe:
He’s got a rather nice voice, hasn’t he
We’re delighted to be able to premiere Matt‘s debut single, right here on One on One. It’s called Blinded By You, and it’s an acoustic-led belter of an atmospheric rock track. Here are a few words from Matt about the single:
‘Blinded By You is the first song I wrote for my solo endeavours, so it’s fitting that it’s my first single. It was a very cathartic and reflective song that I wrote while on the road finishing my final tour with my previous band. It was written at a time when I was confronted with an end to an eight-year band relationship, and also the end of my relationship with my girlfriend. The song is a humble declaration of love, loss and regret.
Here’s Matt Sellors’ debut single, Blinded By You: