You’ve heard of Turbowolf, haven’t you?
If you haven’t, then where the hell have you been for the last twelve months? The Bristol-based four-piece have been tearing up stages around the world, and for good reason: they happen to be one of the most energetic and incendiary live bands that we here at One on One HQ have seen for a very, very long time.
Turns out that they’ve got great taste in tunes, too
Now, if there’s one thing we know about people who make great music, is that they’ve usually got pretty great taste in tunes themselves. That’s why we asked frontman Chris Georgiadis to put together a playlist of his favourite songs, exclusively for the listening pleasure of you lovely lot. You can find Chris’s full selection at the bottom of this page: but, for now, here are a few words from the man himself telling you precisely why he chose the songs on his list:
John Carpenter – Main Title
‘Well, it’s utterly brilliant. Just take a listen. The atmosphere he creates with those synths is wonderful. The fact he directs films and writes the scores makes them even more special. Total cool.
Le Tigre – Deceptacon
‘Dancing inside a fire feels like this. Party music for punks. Put it on and get it on.
MGMT – When You Die
‘I love these guys. They’re so clever that it makes me feel stupid and I love it. A catchy song about dying… Cool.
Death From Above 1979 – Holy Books
‘The best duo rock has ever seen. Fuck, this is so good. They write hooks like ABBA and kick your head in like… ABBA? How we managed to get Seb on our song Cheap Magic I do not know, but we are forever STOKED by that.
Beastie Boys – I Want Some
‘From their album Aglio E Olio. One of the best rap groups of all time made one of the best punk rock records of all time. Sneering, exciting and weird. Is there a better combination?!
Misfits – London Dungeon
‘Apparently about when they come to London and got locked up for being too rad. Probably not in the London Dungeons, but maybe…
David Bowie – Lazarus
Like what you’re hearing? If so, you’re going to adore Turbowolf’s full playlist of their favourite tunes. Check it out: