Sam Fender’s Video For ‘Dead Boys’ Highlights An Often Ignored (And Deadly Serious) Issue Among Young Men

It’s time for us to talk about mental health

This might just be one of the most important music videos of the year so far. It’s from Sam Fender, and it was made to accompany his Really Rather Good New Single, Dead Boys. That, however, isn’t what’s really important about this video.

No, what’s truly important is the fact that this video highlights the sad fact that, among certain sectors of the population, mental health is still seen as something that real men ‘just don’t talk about’.

To that, dear reader, we say this: bollocks. In our eyes, it takes an insanely strong individual to overcome any mental health issue. If you’re currently battling with your mental health, then our thoughts and prayers are with you; and please, for the love of God, if you feel like you need to talk to someone, then talk to someone. Everybody needs a little help from time to time.

You can find the contact details for CALM at the bottom of this piece, and the Samaritans are available for you to talk to around the clock, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re struggling; as a wise man once sang, you’re only human, after all.

On average, 84 men take their own lives in the UK every week. CALM’s free, anonymous and confidential helpline and webchat are open every day, 5pm-midnight (GMT):