Peruvian Indie Kids Mundaka Are Hitting SXSW Next Week And We Think That You’d Be Daft To Miss Them

Take a moment or two to check these guys out

If you’re a keen follower of the Peruvian indie-rock scene – and, let’s face it, who isn’t? – then you’ll already be acutely aware of Mundaka. They’re a funky four-piece with the feel-good vibes of Vampire Weekend and the catchy choruses of The Strokes – oh, and they were the only Peruvian band who were hand-picked to play with Radiohead at the Oxford lads’ super-massive Peru National Stadium show last year. Isn’t that cool?



Take the time to trek down if you find yourself in Texas

They’re hitting Speakeasy Kabaret’s official SXSW showcase on Wednesday 13th March at 12:30 am, and we think that you should totally head down if you’re in town. After all, they’re not exactly local – they’re based in Peru, and they’re heading to SXSW thanks to some seriously generous help from PromPeru, so this might just be your last chance to catch them on American soil for the foreseeable future.

It’s not like you’ve got anything to lose, either: if/when they become #GlobalSuperstars, you’ll be able to brag that You Were There to any man, woman or child who dares to bring them up in conversation within your immediate vicinity; and, even if they don’t make it, you’ll still have seen a bloody good band tear up a stage at an hour when you, presumably, wouldn’t be doing too much of note anyway.

So, dear reader, if you find yourself in or around SXSW on Wednesday, do head down to Speakeasy Kabaret and check out Mundaka – we can assure you that you won’t regret it.