Something In The Éire

This Is ‘Something In The Éire’ – A Playlist Of Ireland’s Best And Brightest Under-The-Radar Bands

Y’know, for a small country, Ireland doesn’t half have a knack for pumping out top-notch tunes.

Don’t believe us? Well, then, let’s see if you any of the following Irish acts ring a bell. My Bloody Valentine, maybe? Kodaline, too, perhaps? Or, failing that, what about U2, Dermot Kennedy, Thin Lizzy, Hudson Taylor, and Ash?

Yeah, we thought as much. So, in light of this revelation, we got our resident Irish new music expert, Niall Quinn, to rack his brains and put together a playlist of his favourite new and emerging acts from across the length and breadth of the Emerald Isle. Sure, some of these guys and girls might not be household names in the UK yet: but, when they are, you’ll be able to say that you heard them here first.

Wild Youth – Last Goodbye

Niall – ‘I won’t lie to you, reader: I have a very love-hate relationship with this song. I first heard them at the New Year’s Eve concert that’s hosted in Dublin every year and I came away never wanting to listen to them again. (Pop isn’t really for me).

But, despite that, the “Oh my God” bit managed to wriggle its way into my head. I managed to get it out before they were announced as support for Mumford and Sons‘ summer show in Dublin; then it was right back in there. I challenge you to not feel yourself moving to this song. Even if you don’t want to, it happens.


Toucan – To Be Without You

Niall – ‘Toucan, “an explosive ten-piece funk-pop ensemble”, hail from all over the province of Munster in the South-West of Ireland. I first discovered this song on a Daily Mix on Spotify a few weeks back and any time the sun comes out or I am in the need for a little boogie, I stick this song on and get lost in that guitar riff.


Kojaque, Kean Kavanagh – Eviction Notice

Niall – ‘My favourite part of creating this playlist has been discovering new artists and new genres of music that I wouldn’t normally listen to. Kojaque and Kean Kavanagh are prime examples of this. I’d heard the names and seen them on various festival line ups but never actually gave them a listen – but, I’m sure glad that I did.

‘From Kojaque’s album “Deli Daydreams”, this song details the life of a deli worker trying to get over an ex and the struggles they go through in an everyday life. Catch the Dubliner on his upcoming very intimate tour of the UK while you still have the chance.


Alana Henderson – Museum

Niall – ‘When I first got into music, it was traditional Irish and folk songs that interested me the most, so I felt it was only appropriate to give these artists a nod on this playlist. I first saw Alana Henderson at a charity concert in 2014 and had never heard anything like her before.

‘Her enchanting voice mixed with incredible cello abilities made for an artist hard to forget – but, then, she seemed to disappear. Her new EP, from which Museum is the title track, is her first in 6 years. So, where has she been? Well, only touring the world with Hozier! Not bad going, in my eyes. But, thankfully, she’s now returned with this beautiful EP and I am very excited to see what comes next for the Dungannon native.


FONTAINES D.C. – Boys in the Better Land

Niall – ‘FONTAINES D.C. and their album “Dogrel” have been making waves across the world – in fact, they’re arguably one of the biggest Irish bands on the planet right now. This is Boys In The Better Land – it’s the penultimate track on the album and is their latest single.

Other than the fact that they’re, y’know, obviously absolutely brilliant, a spate of high-profile TV appearances – including a slot on Jimmy Fallon‘s show in the States – shows how highly the Dublin post-punk band are held in music circles all over the world. Keep an eye out for them – they’re only going to get bigger from here.


Like what you’re hearing? Great! So, why not check out Niall’s full playlist of his favourite new and emerging Irish bands? ????