It’s nice to be nice, isn’t it?
Helping old ladies cross the street. Holding doors open for people. Heck, we’ve even heard rumours that there are still people out there who’ll go out of their way to be pleasant to others for no reason whatsoever. Huge if true.
Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard for us to do nice things for you lot on a regular basis. After all, you could be anywhere in the world, and we’re built on a foundation of computer code and unwaveringly bad puns.
Still, there are a couple of things that we can do to brighten up your day.
We can, for instance, continually provide you with a never-ending stream of awesome new music. (You’re welcome). We can also furnish you with #seriousjournalism, like this playlist of our favourite sadbangers for when you just want to get wine-drunk and burrow deep into your feelings.
What we like to do more than anything, though, is to share epic photos of gigs with you. That’s why we’re so chuffed that our very own Dan Rose agreed to head down to YUNGBLUD and Saint PHNX‘s supermassive Bristol show to shoot, snap, and otherwise capture every moment of the show for your viewing pleasure.
Check out our gallery from YUNGBLUD and Saint PHNX’s Bristol show: