We hate to break it to you, but December’s not just about mince pies, reindeer, and cheesy pop songs.
Sure, everybody loves Elf. You’re never going to catch us complaining about an excuse to stuff our faces full of chocolates and puddings, either. Oh, and don’t get us started on the music. You know we love the music.
Still, despite all of that, we can’t pretend that there isn’t a lot more going on in December than meets the eye.
Sure, the attention of most people might be focused on the C-word as soon as they’ve taken down their Halloween pumpkins. But, dear reader, there’s also the small matter of a bunch of epic headline tours having taken place throughout December 2019.
Sigrid? Yep, she’s been touring. So have Dermot Kennedy, The Libertines, Slade (!!!), and Michael Buble. That is what we call a pretty good month for live music.
Oh, and do you know who else has been touring? Temples. That’s right, dear reader – one of the UK’s best psych-rock bands have been tearing up venues around this fair isle for the last few weeks and you didn’t even notice.
Pfft. And you call yourself a music fan.
Still, don’t worry – for, if you didn’t manage to head down to a show, we’ve got the next best thing for you right here.
We sent our photographer, Elias Ruiz Monserrat, down to Temples‘ Nottingham show to shoot some shots, capture some moments, and generally provide the closest thing to actually being there as is humanly possible. You’re welcome.
P.S – if you enjoy this gallery, why not tell us as much over on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?
Check out our gallery of shit-hot snaps from Temples’ UK tour stop at Nottingham’s Rescue Rooms: