Hauskey is the smooth, pop-minded lovechild of Tom Misch, Dominic Fike and Rex Orange County and we think that he’s going to take over the world.
It might seem like a long shot, but we don’t think that the prospect will phase him. After all, the Perth native – real name Andy Hopkins – has never been one to do things by the book.
Don’t believe us? Well, what if we told you that Andy once spent some time studying at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts – i.e. Australia’s equivalent to The BRIT School – before he twigged that it was a bloody expensive place to be on a day-to-day basis. So, instead of quitting entirely, he decided to sack it off and start his own, fully-staffed, 500-pupil music school. Seems like totally normal behaviour, right? Right?
Oh, who are we kidding? We all know that there’s nothing normal about Hauskey.
That’s why, dear reader, we’re not surprised in the slightest to find that this debut single from an unknown Australian dude is one of the best things we’ve heard in a long time.
It’s called Slow, and it’s precisely the kind of instantaneous slacker-pop song that Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker has spent the last few years mastering the art of. It’s not just a woozy, sleuthing jam with a chorus that’s guaranteed to get stuck in your head, and it’s not merely a superb debut single – it’s one of our songs of the year.