If You’re Feeling Political, Our ‘To The Left, To The Left’ Playlist Will Scratch Your Anarchistic Itch

Who doesn’t love a good ol’ fashioned political anthem, eh?

We know that we do. There’s just something about them that makes us want to grab our placards, don our Che Guevara t-shirts, and eagerly await the inevitable 2028 socialist uprising. Or, y’know, maybe just join the National Union of Students or something.


So, if you’re in the mood for a bit of political protest and are seeking a soundtrack for it, then you need to look no further: we’ve got just the thing you need.

We’ve taken the time to curate the very best political tracks from across all our favourite genres and pop ’em all in one handy playlist, ready and waiting to be blasted out at your next march on the palace and/or misguided dinner party argument.

Sit back, brace yourself, and prepare to be riled by our ‘To The Left, To The Left’ playlist: