Mumford & Sons Have Unveiled Their Comeback Single And It Was Well and Truly Worth The Wait

The gentlemen of the road are back with a banjo

We flippin’ adore Mumford & Sons, so we’re pretty damn chuffed that they’re back with a new single, a brand new album, and the promise of a soon-to-be-announced world tour to support it. We can’t tell you much about the album right now, but what we can tell you is this: their comeback track is called Guiding Light, and it’ll be a real treat for anyone who ‘liked them back when they played acoustic guitars’.

Hell, if we’re being honest, we think that it’ll be a bit of a treat for anyone with ears – because, if you do allow us to say so, dear reader, it really is rather good. It’s got a stadium-sized chorus, a wall of acoustic guitars, and a healthy dose of those good ol’ fashioned Mumfordian harmonies, as well as the kind of lyrical wisdom that led a generation of something-teen folk kids to fall in love with them back when they released their debut album all the way back in 2009. Let us know what you think: