Love Fame Tragedy

Murph from The Wombats’ New Single is a Slinky Power-Pop Banger with a Catchy Chorus

If this is The Wombats, kill the producer

You may know indie darling Matthew ‘Murph’ Murphy as the frontman of The Wombats. What you probably won’t know him as is the mastermind of Love Fame Tragedy: a half-Gorillaz, half-solo project new endeavor from the man behind Kill The Director, Techno Fan, and copious quantities of other indie-disco classics.



That, dear reader, is because it’s brand spankin’ new; as is, coincidentally, their new single.

That does not, however, mean that it’s not also very bloody good. After all, there’s a lot to like about it. Not only does it boast an earworm-worthy chorus and Murph‘s atypically clever lyrical musings, but it arrives complete with Black Mirror-inspired video in #arty black and white. It also features the likes of Lauren AquilinaJoey from Pixies, and Gus from alt-J; and, as we’re sure you will agree, any release featuring the collective talents of those fine artistés can only turn out to be a Very Good Thing.

This, dear reader, is Backflip by Love Fame Tragedy, and we think that you’re going to like it.