Lewis Capaldi

Lewis Capaldi Has Released Three New Versions of ‘Bruises’ (Including This Ridiculously Beautiful Orchestral Version)

It’s sometimes easy to forget that Lewis Capaldi is actually A Very Good Singer.

Yes, we know that he’s got Platinum singles coming out of his arse; and, yes, he’s still the only artist we’re aware of who managed to sell out a headline arena tour before even releasing an album. Yet, despite that, it’s not unfair to say that young Mr. Capaldi‘s numerous #laddish escapades have become almost as well-known as his tunes.

Like the time he filmed a #candid video for Someone You Loved using only his iPhone and a toilet brush. Or the fact that he appears to have developed a semi-serious novelty sunglasses addiction. Or – and perhaps best of all – the time he did this:



Iconic, right?

Well, if you like Lewis Capaldi‘s sadboi-superstar #megalolz, then you’re going to… Well, be a bit surprised by this. It’s a new orchestral version of his debut single Bruises, and it’s as tender and beautiful a love song as we’ve heard for a long time. It’s raw, and moving, and manages to be genuinely sincere without being ridiculous; frankly, it’s just rather lovely.

It’s particularly impressive when you consider that it’s come from a twenty-two-year-old lad with a penchant for discussing his bowel movements on social media, isn’t it? Check it out:



Lewis Capaldi tours the UK in November/December 2019 and March 2020. We would tell you that tickets are on sale here – but, naturally, they’re all sold out.