? Daniel Alexander

Plested’s New Single ‘The Least That I Could Do’ Is An Absolute Heartbreaker And You’re Going To Adore It

This man can do no wrong, can he

We flippin’ love Plested here at One on One HQ. In case you didn’t know, he’s the man behind the top-quality sad-bangers that you and I know as RibcageHabits, and Either You Love Me Or You Don’t – oh, and he’s also the fella who wrote Touch by Little MixHollywood by Lewis Capaldi, and Just My Type by The Vamps. What a legend, eh?



He’s only gone and popped out another good ‘un

Well, if you like the sound of that – and, let’s face it, why wouldn’t you? – we’ve got some good news for you. Plested‘s just released a new single, The Least That I Could Do, and it might just be the best thing he’s put out to date.

If you asked us to describe it, we’d probably tell you that it’s an anthemic soft-rock song with a chorus that was custom-made for screaming in the streets with your arm around your best mate; but, if you asked Plested about it, he’d probably have this to say:

“This is easily my favourite song I’ve ever written. I was thinking about my Mum and how much we all sacrifice for the people that we love. I’d written down the phrase “the least that I could do is die for you” in my book, so I locked myself away in the studio with a friend and we wrote it all in one day!”

And that, dear reader, is nothing short of lovely.

Here’s The Least That I Could Do by Plested: