American Country Superstars LANCO Have Made You a 🔥 Playlist of Their Favourite Songs

We’re liking these American boys

You remember us telling you about LANCO, right? They’re the country-rock sensations with the sky-high choruses and the lofty ambitions to match; or, if that’s not ringing any bells, the guys behind this rather catchy little ditty that we shouted about a few weeks ago:



Turns out that they’ve also got fantastic taste in #tunes

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – artists who make great music tend to have pretty great taste in music themselves. It’s a simple rule, but it hasn’t failed us yet; after all, it’s a rule that’s already convinced us to ask The 1975, Nina Nesbitt, and Declan McKenna to put together playlists of their favourite songs for us, and we like to think that those worked out quite nicely.

That, dear reader, is why we couldn’t resist asking LANCO to compile an exclusive selection of their go-to tracks for your listening pleasure; and, crucially, why we’re not surprised in the slightest that they came back with a playlist that’s packed full of more bangers than doggy heaven. Here’s what they picked:

Kings Of Leon – Back Down South

‘It’s got that down-home feeling that makes me feel like I’m home, no matter where I am in the world. The haunting slide guitar riff gives me the feels every single time. It’s one of those songs that never gets old. Tripp



Van Morrison – Brown Eyed Girl

Morrison is just an iconic American artist and one I often review for inspiration. The simplicity of the songs combined with the stories of the lyrics create a unique and blatantly American sound. – Jared



Khalid – Saturday Nights

‘It’s got a really cool, constant, vibey guitar riff throughout the whole song. I love the melodies in both the verses and the chorus combined with Khalid’s voice. Very simple and tasteful production. – Eric



Chris Stapleton – A Simple Song

‘It’s a description of my home town and the life I could have had if music never became a part of it. It explains the simple yet complicated lifestyle of a southern man in the U.S. – Tripp



Brothers Osborne – I Don’t Remember Me (Before You)

‘The whole song has this hypnotic, dreamy vibe to it to go along with the lyrical content about thinking back on memories of a relationship blossoming and how it’s changed that person. I also really love how they save the hook, “before you,” until the end of the song which finally ties everything together and makes it all make sense. – Chandler



Like what you’re hearing? Well, in that case, you’re going to love the LANCO lads’ full playlist: